Morning 3's

Tuition is $155/month, payable on the first of the month

The curriculum in a 3s class  is play-based and designed to promote social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Children may engage in activities such as story time, music and movement, arts and crafts, and imaginative play, all of which help to develop their creativity, language skills, and problem-solving abilities.

The focus of the 3s class is on socialization, with children learning how to interact with others and develop important social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and following rules. Teachers and parents work together to create a safe and inclusive environment where children can build friendships and learn to work collaboratively.

Day of the WeekStart TimeEnd Time
Monday9:30 am11:30 am
Tuesday9:30 am11:30 am
Wednesday9:30 am11:30 am